There are those who say, “time marches on.” Many will quip, “history repeats itself.”
Amongst such folks, the general consensus is that time is not generous nor forgiving. It moves forward only. You cannot go back. Or, as still others like to advise, “you cannot change the past.”
But, there are those who say otherwise.
Some people, most of them on the fringe of normal society, say you can heal events not only in the present, but forward and backward through time.
For me, that was one of THOSE things. You know, something that a Teacher says to you that is stated simply, clearly, and decisively and exists for them regardless of whatever anyone else has to say on the matter. Something that hits you like a whollop. Something that sets them a bit apart, and makes you wonder who, exactly, it is that you’re speaking to. And what, exactly, is possible.
Though my Teacher was the first person who ever spoke to me about this subject at any length (and didn’t get immediately get categorized by my scientific and bougousie mind as crazy), she was far from alone. In the healing community, moving forward and backward through time, viewing time as something fluid, not recorded, is not that strange. And while I wonder at how many people have successfully done it, the truth is that it IS possible.
You can heal events that happened long ago. You can remove the trauma or “wound” of such events. You can change how that event was experienced, processed, and stored in the body.
And if you can change the relevance or meaning of the past, then, yes, you change not only the past, but also the present and future.
Just yesterday, I’m not certain why exactly, my partner felt compelled to say that he saw a thing where Tony Robbins worked with a guy who had been stuttering since he had learned to talk. Robbins asked him about his earliest memory, asked him to go there mentally, and did (according to my partner) “some sort of tapping thing.”
(It was probably EFT or a derivative, which is based on the acupuncture energy channels, and has to do with freeing “stuck” energy from key reservoirs of energy information in the body.)
According to my partner, with Robbins’ encouragement to go back into that moment, the man began shouting, and visibly had some sort of huge catharsis.
And then, as if it had never existed, the stutter was gone.
Why share all this?
Well, first of all, because it’s important information. The idea that we can release or change the trauma of our past is both empowering and liberating.
Second, because it explains a bit of my current approach to Adahlia. No, I’m not going to stop the diet or herbs or anything else. But I’m ready to add something new.
You see, she has a “genetic” blood disorder. I am the most likely carrier (for reasons we don’t need to go into again as I’ve stated them in earlier posts), and I probably have “non-classical DBA,” which means I have the gene but am able to make my own blood. We now believe my grandmothers first daughter, my mother’s older sister, who “happens” to share my own birthdate (just many decades prior), died at 4 months of DBA, and that her rural hospital simply did not know what to do with the ailing child.
(Aside: in the healing circles such as I’ve mentioned, it’s not likely a coincidence that I share this deceased child’s birthday. Also, her name was Carol Ann.)
Here’s the thing, friends.
Genetic diseases have triggers.
DNA is a fluid molecule, capable of changing and “storing” experiences as changes to itself. And let’s be honest: we understand very little about it. Most of it we’ve labeled “junk” and say it seems to have no purpose.
(Right. Because we can point to so much of Nature and say, “there is no purpose to those wings that bird has,” or “see, humans have gills they don’t need,” or whatever. No, Nature abhors a vacuum. There is a critter for every niche. And Nature doesn’t (and wouldn’t) waste a lot of energy creating and copying vast strings of information that serve no function.)
And, if you can go “back in time” and change information processing and storage in a living person, then you can also affect such trauma through generations. As my Teacher professed, you can heal one person, and release countless through the line, both forward and back.
At this point, I cannot number the ways, therapies, herbs, foods, and other “things” I’ve done to try to heal my daughter. And like I’ve said, they have not been futile. She’s come a long way in many ways.
But she still doesn’t make enough red blood cells to survive.
And I’m starting to grasp the meaning of a psychic’s suggestion that the answer I’m looking for for her won’t be found in conventional medicine.
I’m starting to go back to my energy healing roots, and to wonder if it may not be found in diet or herbs either.
There is a “stress” and hormonal component to DBA expression.
There is a suggestion of some sort of event or trauma, something so “bad” it was encoded into the family line.
Something that sometimes expresses itself, effectively saying, “This planet ain’t safe and good. We are out of here. We are going back up to the spirit realm.”
I’m starting to think that my next step is to play (it’s actually intense work, who am I kidding, but it’s cool work) with these ideas more deeply.
I’m starting to think that I need to renew and readdress traumas she may have experienced in the womb or shortly after birth.
I need to see if I can lift a trauma that perhaps happened hundreds of years ago, to an unknown person of our line.
I need to see if I can “re-write” at least the expression of our code, if not the actual material.
And if I could… It would be the greatest gift I could ever give this family.
With Adahlias DBA, traveling through the US is difficult. She gets low in blood after 2 weeks. There are concerns about flying. Extended stay anywhere is impossible. Travel out of the country… just a lost dream.
And such restriction has been hard on my wandering soul.
But perhaps I’ve been missing an opportunity.
Whenever one door closes, another opens.
Perhaps it’s time for me to explore and own for myself those reality-shattering understandings my Teacher held. To make them more than recited and theoretical knowledge, but truly real in the only way that exists — through personal knowledge or experience.
Perhaps, it is time for time travel.
I don’t know if I can do it.
But I think it’s time to try.
If you are one of my healer-friends who also exist on the fringe of normal, I would appreciate all your love, light, and energetic support as I walk into this new dark.