Drafted yesterday
I’m not sure how I’m supposed to do this.
Left arm hurts.
Chest hurts.
Back hurts.
Belly hurts.
Pulses weak.
Breathing shallow.
Trying to breathe deep.
So tired.
Drinking soup. Drinking juice. Drinking protein milk. Eating what can. Sleeping when can. So tired.
Love joe so much. Helping what can. Doing what can. Cooking, playing, singing, driving, carrying, cleaning, loving.
Love Adahlia so much. Still drinking milk. Sleeps close. Wakes laughing.
Babbling. Dancing. Side-stepping. Climbing. Crawling under legs. Looking at picture books. Looking up at me.
Hundred-yard stare. Slumped in her chair. So tired of being tired. Doesn’t want to play.