I release my illness and the illness affecting Adahlia. I release my false beliefs and fears that do not serve our health and life. I release my fears for Adahlia’s future, as well as my own. We are strong enough to engage in life. We do not need to be sick to receive love. We are curious, eager to play, and able to engage in the adventure of our future.
We are still worthy of love, kindness, and attention when we are healthy. We are worthy of health. With our health, we are beacons of love and light in the world. We are vital to the maintaining balance in the world – we are bearers of light in darkness.
Love and light is attracted to and flows through us. It is safe to be here. Born human, in physical form, is our divine right to be here. We have a right to our bodies and our lives, and no one, physical or spiritual, can deny of us of this right. Our bodies are instruments of joy. Experiencing this world is a joyful blessing. We are strong enough to be in this world. No one can harm us. We are perceptive enough to see through trappings and manipulations. We belong to God; we belong to light.
Our bodies are beautiful. We are beautiful.
We claim our bodies. We claim our lives.