Healthy Adahlia

I’m overwhelmed by the generosity and beauty of people responding to Adahlia.

I just found out that a song is being written for her, to be performed next Saturday, in Portland, by Sunjae Lee, who is quite a talented artist, musician, and (soon-to-be) doctor.

I gave him only one request, which is the same request I give to you, when you think of her (or me) and you pray or send love and light:

See her already healthy, see her happy. I want to fill the field around her with the idea of her vitality, with no doubt about it.  Picture her having shed this disorder, and now living freely in health.

Whenever you pray or in sending love and light, see her and our family healthy and happy and contributing our skills back to our world. Do not feel sad or desperate.  Feel joyful and healed, and in transmitting those positive vibrations to us, you will also benefit from them, and improve your own health, vitality, and happiness. This is the secret of positive prayer.
