Not something folks often celebrate, but I just found out that I was premature on stating that Adahlia is not retic’ing. I hadn’t gotten the reticulocyte results back with her CBC (retics take longer for the lab to process). But I went ahead and went to press with what we knew, and assumed that since she wasn’t making reticulocytes last month, she wouldn’t be this month either. In fact, it has been over a year since any baby red blood cells at all were spotted in her blood stream.
But now she has got some! She’s not making a ton of baby red blood cells, but she IS making them.
Step 1: stop the destruction.
Step 2: rebuild.
Or, if at all possible, do step one and two simultaneously.
And make a little dance out of it.
If you’re following our journey, now is the time! Send prayers, love, and light to Adahlia’s gorgeous, resilient rivers of bone marrow.
Thank you!
Appreciate you sharing. Years ago my mom would say “So it goes” 🙂