ER and the mysterious FOUO

Her Hb turned out to be 6.9, which means we needed to transfuse her.

The good news is that her neutrophils were up, and at normal level. She had been showing a slight neutropenia since about Oct, which is low white fighter cells, and that’s why we were told to come to the hospital when she had a fever of 101/102. They worry that if she doesn’t have enough neutrophils, that a bacteria or blood infection could become meningitis.

But, happily, her neutrophils were up, higher than they’d ever been, to a healthy person’s level, meaning that “when she needs them, she’s got them.” The bacterial cultures have all come back negative so far, so it could be viral (they dont typically test for viruses.). The doctor said that her neutrophils “must be hiding somewhere.” Currently, she is diagnosed with a FOUO – Fever Of Unknown Origin… Which of course, means absolutely nothing.

Now that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. What does make sense to me is that we have been giving her herbs to flush out a latent virus in her bone marrow. That most potent herb in her formula, she no longer needs. Now the virus is out in her system, causing fevers. (She had a fever of up to 103.6 last night). Her diapers look like viral poo diapers. She looks sick. (Plus, she’s cutting teeth again – her top front teeth are cutting through.)

Now, with my knowledge of natural and oriental medicine, I know how important fevers are. They are the vital energy response of the body towards flushing out pathogens. It’s really not a good thing to suppress vitality. There have been thoughts that Tylenol and antibiotics in my generation, as children, have led to people with an overall lower body temperature, and less vital force when it comes to getting sick.

So, since we know that her neutrophils are good, and she had plenty of red blood cells now, and she got a hefty dose of IV antibiotics at the hospital at 3 am yesterday, I felt less concerned about her high fever last night around 9 pm. I knew that fevers peak at night and that it can happen for several days in a row, and its nothing to be alarmed at in the healthy person until its over 104 or even 105. She was still drinking milk and was sleeping, albeit fitfully.

So I called the hospital to let them know the situation, just in case, and they agreed with my plan. We put her in cooler pajamas and bathed her head in a tepid moist washcloth, and I slept next to her, of course, like always, keeping a eye on her. We only veered from the hospitals recommendation in that I chose not to suppress her fever with Tylenol. I decided to let it run its course and keep an eye on her. I want the higher temp, after all, to help her clear out the virus.

It wasn’t our most restful night, but she’s up and smiling, though she still looks a bit ill. Her am temp was between 98-99.5.

This morning, we forced her to take her Chinese herbs. We hated doing it; its so hard. Especially because she was violated repeatedly yesterday, temperatures rectally and tylenol forced orally, and her limbs twisted and veins punctured repeatedly, fighting, crying, and alternating between what sounded like babbled screams and pleading. I swear, every time we go in for the last few months it has just gotten more and more traumatic for her. Its so incredibly hard.

Anyway, though we cringe at being yet another group of people violating her body and wishes, we are renewed in our belief that it is flushing something out of her, and that it may help her heal. So though I am sure she is starting to feel friendless in this cruel world, we have to do it. We need to make these transfusions unnecessary, before they start talking about giving her a port, or steroids, again. We want her to have a better quality of life than that, and while we are grateful for the technology, such options are our last resort.

Anyway, I will write again soon with better stories, stories about how amazing she is, about her silliness and progress.

And in my corner, I am happy to report that my echo looked normal. This means that my arrhythmia is still something non-physical in cause. It is the realm of Chinese and energy medicine. We can fix it; I know it.