I await my consult with cardiology (in 10 minutes) with curiosity.
My heart has felt increasingly better since the latest formula adjustment on Wedsneday (prior to that, since Saturday, I was supplementing my individualized Kidney supporting and Qi-moving formula with a couple known cardio-supportive herbal combinations to nourish the yin of my upper body, heart and lungs.) The latest adjustment was geared to match my body’s needs exactly.
Well, the ECG I just walked out of said my heart had bradycardia, with a marked sinus arrhythmia, which translates to “it beats slower than average folks, and has an uneven rhythm, which becomes more pronounced as I breathe.”
Such findings are considered within the bounds of healthy and normal and they are nothing new to me- its been like that at least the last 10 years.
In other words, my heart’s rhythm no longer looks like that of a 60 year old man prior to a heart attack.
Meanwhile, overall, my kidneys feel pretty great. There was some fairly strong pain in them this morning, but I realized I had forgotten to take my formula last night before bed, and I drank a lot of water and didn’t use the restroom all night, so maybe there was just some natural backup.
In general my energy and vitality is markedly improved since Wednesday, though my chest still feels a little tight and my lower abdomen has some very tight, tender points. My right kidney hurts only a little.
Did I mention I no longer tested positive in response to needing the extraordinarily kidney supportive herbs (Two Solstice Formula) on Weds? In other words, the fire has been reignited.
Also, I’m still encouraged about Adahlia. She looks like hell, and cries when set down for even an instant, and her poop is very unhealthy-looking, but I’m fairly certain she’s working out some sort of newly activated, hidden virus, and I’m hopeful that it is the mysterious source of her anemia.
I also don’t think it’s any coincidence that her vitality has improved enough to launch a full blown fever (for the first time ever) since we invited the medicine man send the dark spirit in our house back to God. She may be sicker, but she is more vital.
Please keep the prayers, love and light flowing. We feel it; we are healing; this story will be a triumph of love and integrative medicine.