Angel in DCUs

Just a quick note to acknowledge my dear angel friend in DCUs (That’s Desert Camouflage Uniform for you folks of non-military lineage):

She just donated $250.  It is enough to pay for Adahlia’s upcoming consultation in February with her chinese herbal doctor, and all her herbal medicine (including, possibly, the homeopathic spagyrics, too!)  With our big move coming up, and our credit maxed out, I was wondering what we’d do.  I certainly didn’t want to have to cancel the appointment.   I could have never imagined I’d be in the place where I couldn’t afford the medicine I believe in for my own daughter.  Where I’d have to weigh a decision to halt the medicinal plan that I believe will eventually cure her.  How far will I go to not let that happen?  What will I give up to give her every possible chance for a cure?  Plenty.   What will I do?  Anything.  Everything.

And then, out of the blue, this incredible gift!!

When I expressed my astonished gratitude to this friend of mine, she said that we had just popped into her head, and that she “must have heard us somehow.”

I believe it!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

You see, all things work as they should.  We must just continue to do all we can, and to trust and have faith.  Or, as its been said:

“Be helpless, dumbfounded, unable to say yes or no.  Then a stretcher will come from Grace to gather us up.  We are too dull-eyed to see that beauty.  If we say we can, we’re lying.  If we say “no,” we don’t see it.  That “no” will behead us and shut tight our window into Spirit.  So let us rather not be sure of anything, beside ourselves, and only that, so that miraculous beings come running to help.  Crazed, lying in a zero circle, mute, we shall be saying finally, with tremendous eloquence:  Lead us.  When we have totally surrendered to that beauty, we shall be a mighty kindness.”  ~ Rumi

Blessings to all.