Holy schmoly.
I just got the lab result stating that the confirmation test for DBA is NEGATIVE.
I haven’t had the opportunity yet to speak with her doctors, but this is a cause for celebration!!
And some mystifying concern.
WHY isn’t she making red blood cells then?
More and more people are talking to me about toxin exposure. It makes me feel awful that somehow I might have unwittingly exposed us to something during our wonderful pregnancy, but I cannot see any other explanation than toxin or virus for our bizarre health complications.
I am strongly considering using bentonite clay (taken internally, myself) and giving her baths in it. It is good at removing heavy metals, and this it may also help remove the iron building up in her system from transfusions, though that is just my conjecture.
I am also on the prowl again for a naturopath that is a specialist in infants and/or complex conditions. I want to do another workup of her nutritionally, and be sure they follow up on it this time.
In other news, I was told told not to worry, yet, about her liver enzymes, as they can also spike during a viral infection, and also not to worry about the glucose in her urine, which may likely be due to the IV fluids she received. Tests to get better numbers will be repeated when she is healthy and back at the hospital again for transfusion.
Pain and swirling in my kidneys has gone down and intensified. I have chosen to push back the surgery by 2 weeks, and can’t go back on it now. That’s ok. I am going to see a specialist in visceral manipulation and hopefully he can help it to drain.
Meanwhile, I saw Tami Kent yesterday, who does pelvic release work. It was phenomenal; I cannot say enough good about it. It was profoundly healing of some past sexual trauma. Too many women, especially those in the military, have had to hide and constrict themselves, for fear of assault. Effects are myriad. I cannot recommend her (or if you live outside of Portland, one of her students, or, if nothing else, her books) highly enough. It is simply necessary to release oneself from stored memories of such incidents in the fascial layer, and allows one to come back into a fuller self.
In our session, she noted several very interesting things: one that I’m still not in my pelvis very much, or really, even in my body, (whether this is a cause of or result of my physical condition we don’t know), and second, that the “river” that flows down from the womb to the pelvis and earth is actually flowing backwards, or upwards, in me. Interesting, we both thought, given my kidneys swelling like they are.
She also sensed that energetically I hadn’t quite fully birthed Adahlia, as my life experiences had created misgivings about birthing someone I love into a dangerous and abusive world. (Both of us see a failure to make RBCs as a hesitation to fully embody one’s spirit in this world.) So we did some release work with the energy I still held in my womb, and a reaffirmation of some basic truths. I do notice a difference in her, and an even deeper level to our present relationship.
A beautiful and very challenging journey.