This House Is Clean

So, last night, a Lakota medicine man known through a couple friends (familiar to many at my graduate school) came with two helpers and together, after four hours, we prayed and sang and he engaged (ie, battled ) a hostile spirit in our house, and with the help of other spirits (light spirits) we returned the dark spirit living in our house back to the Creator.

The story is too remarkable to be placed here; suffice to say, for now, that the entire time I could barely believe I was witnessing reality unfolding in front if me – that it was actually happening in real life.

And now, though I was always confident in it, it was confirmed that the child I carried those 9 months and now hold in our household is holy. That the work I do is holy. That the world we live in is holy.

Really, I get choked up recollecting the details of the events. It makes it all – the last 18 months – such an incredible story. Our entire lives, the world at large, really.

We have a couple tests coming up for Adahlia- an echo of her heart, an ultrasound of her kidneys, lab work tomorrow with a possible blood transfusion on Friday, if her numbers are low. My CT scan indicates a collapsed renal tube (ureter) but the contrast dye had not sufficiently spread to indicate much more than that. A scope is indicated. Surgery in early May, to place stents to keep the ureters open, is indicated.

But we shall see. We are still taking the herbal formulas that we tested positive for, and I am still giving myself (and receiving from others) acu and moxa treatments. I will continue giving adahlia shonishin and moxa. I believe that now the force sucking our strength and muddling our clarity is gone, we will be able to build up our vitality, clear out the stagnation and blockages in us that have arisen from a lack of flow, and we will return to health.

The spirit in our house, well, he had his story, too, and it story was tragic. His grief had turned to rage, with a desire to hurt others, and naturally, also, a fear of returning back to God. But those layers were peeled away, the illusion of evil stripped to reveal a broken hearted man, and he has been taken back, by light, to light. We pray for mercy and compassion for him. We thank God and the angelic spirits still surrounding us for their guidance, protection, and the mystery of our roles here on earth.

Amazing. Blessed. Intense. Beautiful. Mind blowing. Miraculous. Experience.

The only thing is that we are renting this place, and we don’t intend to live here much longer.

Was it a wasted expenditure?

Heck no. Not if you consider that poor man’s soul.

Dear landlord, this house is clean.


I release my illness and the illness affecting Adahlia.  I release my false beliefs and fears that do not serve our health and life.  I release my fears for Adahlia’s future, as well as my own.  We are strong enough to engage in life.  We do not need to be sick to receive love.  We are curious, eager to play, and able to engage in the adventure of our future.

We are still worthy of love, kindness, and attention when we are healthy.  We are worthy of health.  With our health, we are beacons of love and light in the world.  We are vital to the maintaining balance in the world – we are bearers of light in darkness.

Love and light is attracted to and flows through us.  It is safe to be here.  Born human, in physical form, is our divine right to be here.   We have a right to our bodies and our lives, and no one, physical or spiritual, can deny of us of this right.  Our bodies are instruments of joy.  Experiencing this world is a joyful blessing.  We are strong enough to be in this world.  No one can harm us.  We are perceptive enough to see through trappings and manipulations. We belong to God; we belong to light.

Our bodies are beautiful.  We are beautiful.

We claim our bodies.  We claim our lives.



Yes, everything is connected.

How could it not be?

We accept that a loss of honeybees would mean destruction of ecosystems, the chain reaction that could spell our own destruction.

We accept that physical neurochemicals affect our thinking, our personalities even, and that our thoughts and personalities are reflected in our postures, possibly even in our diseases.

Yet so many people shy away from the larger implications of our mental-emotional-spiritual states to our physical heart, to our bodies, and to the heart and health of each other.

People say: “as above, so below” without any conception of what they are actually saying.

Just like: “we are all connected” becomes a slogan – yet, it is popular because when we hear it, we recognize a fundamental truth.

Our subconscious attracts us to things like that constantly, in its attempt to “wake” our conscious up, to get us to get our sh*t together. Such truths run through movie, after popular movie, after popular movie. The universe constantly inspires us to spit them back out: same message in varying forms. We yearn to hear these truths. We yearn to really know them, not to just intellectualize them.

But to know them requires life to be shaken up a bit.

Oh, people.

People can be very flippant in good times, and run very quickly away in the difficult.

It is much better to learn to relax in the difficult, so that neither the difficult or wonderful will make you want to crawl out of your skin.

Remember that everyone will struggle. Everyone will go through difficulty. Life is not meant to be charmed. We build up false expectations, especially in this society. Nothing we can do, no matter how careful we are, will insulate us from misfortune. The goal should not be to protect against calamity, but to learn more and to listen more (to your inner self first, and then others perspective second) and to become wiser, so as to be prepared to do what you can whilst surrendering to nature (god).

It is a balance, a floating. Feather in air and fin in water.

People create unrealistic plans that actually prevent them from being able to appreciate what’s happening now. Hardship allows us to see, allows us to glory in our blessings, in thanksgiving in the moment.

Do not get ensnared with plans, especially plans to escape current hardship. Let go of dreams, to live your dreams now, at the level you are prepared to handle them. You always have everything you need. When you are ready to move to the next level, it will present itself to you. This is true in all endeavors, in creative (artistic) passions, and it is especially true in love. If your path is difficult, you will have more opportunity to learn how to love. You cannot love if your heart is never challenged.

Once you realize great truths, you will receive many blessings. Then, you will receive many calamities. This will allow to bring those great truths to even higher realization.

Yes, there are always higher levels of realization.

You will always get exactly as much suffering as you can handle. If you want your soul to grow, accept suffering and blessings equally. They will rain down upon you. They will wax and wan, you will be called both extremely lucky and extremely ill-starred, and neither and both is true, for there is no stop-point in this motion picture.

Look around you. They are suffering too.

Look in and around you. You have exactly the support you need, exactly the tools necessary.

Start within yourself. Before you can help another man, before you can connect with anyone else, you must know what it is to be connected within yourself. You must at least taste the potential of these infinite connections. Allow yourself to be challenged in this. You could spend a lifetime simply learning your own landscape.

Remember, everything is connected. Hone your inner perception so you can learn to trust it in your dealings with the outer world. Your body – your unique blend of physical body, spirit, mind and emotion – is your ally in this adventure, but you must learn how to use it.

And there is simply no way to use it until you first learn that it exists.

Trust It

Its hard to say how Adahlia is doing.

She is giving signs of already being low in blood. In fact, she lost her “pink” as early as a week after her transfusion. She does not look waxen yet, though, and as of 2 days ago she could still turn bright red when angry, which is always a sure sign that she’s at least at 8. (They transfuse below 8.)

Watching her like this makes Joe and I crazy. Every month we witness her gradual decline, and in us builds up a powerless agony to stop it, which then culminates in the horror of needles and IVs and four hours of transfusion. Following that is the day of adjusting to the blood, during which she’s out of her skull, so hyper its more nearly manic. After that, we have the joyful days of health, and they last a week or two. Then, the slow decline…

Her skin is dry. Of course, Chinese medicine would relate this to a lack of blood and nourishing yin fluids. We lather her in coconut oil rubdowns, which she loves, accepting them like a naked beauty on a beach.

She had a very rough evening yesterday, as I was getting treatment from friends and colleagues, and this morning we probably had the worst diaper change in recorded history. She screamed and fought and twisted and screamed. I would hold her close, cradled in my arms, creating the nonjudgmental, patient space for her, to get it out. When she started to relax, I began to change her again, and she’d tense and freak out again, murmuring between her sobs as if praying for deliverance. Eventually, we made it work. I fed her, she napped, she woke up smiling. We were able to get her to agree to take the Chinese medicine without tears, but she didn’t want it. We never know with her. The next diaper change could be all smiles. She might suck down the herbs later today, pausing to look up at me with a “this is gross” expression on her face, which then bursts into a smile to see the love in mine. We never know. I just work to hold the space.

Its hard, beautiful work. We are so weary of tears. Sometimes it is so hard to remain joyful. It is so easy to get scared. (Fear is the emotion of the kidneys in Chinese medicine. Coincidence? I think not.)

“I just don’t see how this is going to end well.”

“Thats ok. Its ok. It might be that we are moving through something and we will all heal from this. Or maybe not. We don’t know. We can’t know. But we also do not know what’s beyond this life. People experience ghosts, light, god, nothingness. But no one knows, not really, what happens after death. And no one really knows, no one can know, why we are here.

Yesterday, with Leilani, I felt how I am not in my root chakra. My spirit is going up the chakras, as we know it does (in eastern medicine and spirituality) when separating from the body. I felt my lack of self in the lowest chakra. I can see how this is a part of what is happening.

Perhaps, at some point, I became afraid to be here. Perhaps I became too afraid for my daughter. Perhaps, awhile ago, I began to start the process of leaving.

Yet I also felt my heart chakra opening, and the warming of my pelvis and root as my spirit went down to reinhabit the area, and i breathed and opened myself to entering the areas of pain in my kidneys and pelvis. Then pain left me. I felt as vigorous in my body as a teenager or child, my body free and open and humming with energy. I experienced a transcended state of consciousness. All was bright and free and revitalized.

No, I do not know how this will end. I gave my life to the universe, to god, to serve the highest good awhile ago. And many times, for many people, such as Lennon, MLK Jr, bob marley, saints, and countless others who chose to live for a message of love, death comes early to claim them back.

If it is up to me, I do not want to die yet. I want to stay here, with my beautiful family, in a love very true, very pure between us. And I do not want Adahlia to die yet, either. I see such a wonderful future for us all, together, playing, and giving back to this world. Is that the highest good? Or is this life a vehicle for something else, and that would be better served by our early departure? Perhaps to reach more people? I do not know. I hope we get to stay here. To play and love and contribute to healing our world.

I feel I can heal from this, whatever is going on. Adahlia, too. Chinese and natural medicine is very powerful. If we are meant to stay here, we will.

All beginnings come from endings. All transformations come from death, figuratively or otherwise.

Witness the Phoenix. The Cross.

I believe we are here to play and to learn. To evolve into our highest selves. To become free and beautiful, divine incarnations on earth.

We must trust this process because we do not understand or know anything. I trust it. It is beautiful. What is happening is supposed to happen. Trust it.

Trust it.”


On Friday am, I am having a CT scan with IV contrast dye to check for “everything.” I found out I was actually supposed to have it earlier – there was an error, the doctor ordered it STAT but the order was entered wrongly into the computer, so even though it said STAT, it went into the cue with less pressing radiograph orders.

A long time ago, I stopped believing in coincidence. There was to much synchronicity in my life. And if everything happens for a reason, that that means things that look like mistakes, too.

Because of this error, I have been the lucky recipient of phenomenal Chinese and energy medicine care for a week. I have been taking the formula to clear out bacteria and virus pathogens (similar to what I took when I first ended up in the ER for an extremely swollen kidney back in November) at 1/3 increased dose. (Increasing dosage for Chinese herbs does not always have a desired effect; it is not a clear correlation of increased strength, like in pharmaceuticals, but sometimes it can make all the difference.). I have had a TON of moxabustion. I have done qigong and breath work. I have done (and received) reiki. I have drank unsweetened cranberry juice and squeezed lemons. Every morning, first thing, I’ve had a glass of juiced carrots, beets, celery, and apples. I’ve reduced my protein a little (protein is hard on the kidneys, but necessary for breastfeeding) and of animal proteins, I am consuming only eggs, milk, cottage cheese, beef, and whey, which, according to an article sent to me by an ND friend, are easiest for the kidneys to process. Yesterday, we went back to my esteemed herbal professor and got new formulas for Adahlia and I – to more exactly match what we currently need – which we started the first dose of last night.

I do not believe they will see any clear causes of my condition on the CT scan, and I don’t say that because I don’t want to get better.

I say that because I’m doing an accelerated version of what I did November-February, while waiting for follow up ultrasounds and consultations, and the significant improvement caused the doctors to determine that there was nothing wrong, or that maybe there was a stone they couldn’t see, but that they would just keep a watch on it.

My discomfort and back pains are greatly reduced. Yesterday my pains were mostly in my lower abdomen, perhaps my ureters. I believe my right kidney jet is functioning again, eliminating into the bladder. As I type this, I feel my left kidney is more swollen as it aches and throbs a bit… But that sensation comes and goes, at varying intensities, for both sides. We shall see.

Adahlia does not like her new herbal formula, which is a shame – she sucked down the old one with gusto. This one is stronger though, more of the primary antiviral, antibacterial herb in proportion to the other herbs, some of which taste either bland or sweet. The main anti pathogen herb tastes pretty nasty. She was clearly disappointed to discover the switch. Hopefully, though, she’ll come around.

I was able to give her a short moxa treatment today, too, with the Tiger Warmer, (sorry i do not have time to explain everything; i realize Chinese medicine is foreign to most folks, but you should be able to find answers on the internet, if you’re curious) and a very brief shonishin one. I hope to do more work on her tomorrow, but I really do need to focus on myself a bit. Saturday, she has an appointment with an expert shonishin person, so that is wonderful. She has an ultrasound of her kidneys and an echo of her heart scheduled this month, both because of my current issue and because DBA is sometimes associated with heart and kidney problems. (She actually did have a Ventral Septal Heart defect and functional murmur when she was first admitted at 6 weeks, but by mid-late Fal they were telling us they could no longer hear the murmur.)

Alright. I had gotten up to pump some milk for her and now, I need to get back to sleep. It is vital to healing.

Love to all. Our spirits are high and we are all happy, healthy, and enjoying ourselves, loving each other and looking forward to all we will experience.

Healthy Adahlia

I’m overwhelmed by the generosity and beauty of people responding to Adahlia.

I just found out that a song is being written for her, to be performed next Saturday, in Portland, by Sunjae Lee, who is quite a talented artist, musician, and (soon-to-be) doctor.

I gave him only one request, which is the same request I give to you, when you think of her (or me) and you pray or send love and light:

See her already healthy, see her happy. I want to fill the field around her with the idea of her vitality, with no doubt about it.  Picture her having shed this disorder, and now living freely in health.

Whenever you pray or in sending love and light, see her and our family healthy and happy and contributing our skills back to our world. Do not feel sad or desperate.  Feel joyful and healed, and in transmitting those positive vibrations to us, you will also benefit from them, and improve your own health, vitality, and happiness. This is the secret of positive prayer.


Breathe deep, seek peace

Yes, for those of you who are dinosaur fans, I am indeed quoting Dinotopia.

Adahlia is a dinosaur fan. We have a pop-up, touch-and-feel, interactive book that features dinosaurs. And boy, are there ever a lot of dinosaurs! They must’ve discovered at least 10 new types since I was a kid.

Anyway, her favorite page is one of an allosaurus that pops out at the reader. It used to scare her but she liked it… She would blink rapidly and pull away from the book as the page opened to him, but then she’d keep going back to it, like she couldn’t help herself.

Now, he doesn’t scare her anymore. His head and torso and right foot are currently held on by about 8 layers of scotch tape. His left foot is gone.

She has no concept of ruining something, or saving it so she can enjoy it in the future. Life presents her endless objects of interest. Her favorite things she destroys with fascination, and moves on.

I have a theory on god, you know. I imagine existence started out with the mentality of a child, like a child itself, and so first, on earth, created big huge crazy things called dinosaurs.


Then, that got a little boring to a maturing creative force, so the slate was cleared to live on earth as human, capable of intelligent, and foolish, creation and destruction on a whole new level. Creatures with a conscience who could create new problems by devising solutions. Creatures with an appetite for knowledge, full of curiosity, and capable of wonder, hope, and despair and potentially knowing peace.

That’s not really what I intended to write about; its an old fancy of mine that just kind of came out. And it just so happened to bring us back around to the title. Isn’t that beautiful?

As I once said, as a kid, to my older sister: Everything moves in a full circle.

Ok, what I wanted to say is this:

They have scheduled a surgery for me for early May, to place stents in my ureters to protect my kidneys while they try to figure out a diagnosis and plan. To me, this means I have 3 weeks to heal myself. I would prefer not to undergo surgery because it would affect my ability to care for Adahlia, and she needs me. So as far as I’m concerned, I’m already better.

Adahlia is scheduled to start a regimen of steroids after her 1st birthday. Apparently, nearly 80% of children with DBA who go on steroids end up being able to make their own red blood cells, and they can be weaned down to just needing an extremely small dose of steroids daily or weekly to maintain production. What is interesting is that there is no medical basis for this phenomenon. As a genetic disease, it doesn’t make sense that steroids could override or reprogram genes, if the problem is indeed a faulty gene. And some children need such a minute dose of maintenance steroids that the dosing is practically homeopathic- so small, that the amount of physical medicine should not actually do anything at all, not to a normal, healthy person.

And yet, it does. It saves their lives.


Even more amazing, some of these kids then end up being able to come off the steroids altogether. There’s no timeline; its unpredictable.

(Interestingly, and sadly, the disease can come back out of remission, too.)

The bottom line is that something a little stranger than a matter of straight, simple genetics – if this, then that – is at play here. Even within a single family, if two kids both have the DBA gene mutation, one may express health problems associated with DBA (which can range from mild to severe) and the other may appear completely healthy.

With only 25 babies worldwide born with DBA each year, it makes this an extremely rare disease, and therefore, one without a lot of studies and answers.

What this means to me is that we have 3 months for Adahlia to be cured using natural and oriental and spiritual medicine, before we will need to choose to expose her to steroids.

Right now, stop what you are doing and see her as fully healthy, right now. See us as a healthy, happy family, going out into, exploring and contributing to our world, right now.

Thank you for blessing our healthy, happy, beautiful child with your love.

Down, Not Out – Part I

As I told a couple different folks yesterday, I’m down, but I’m not out.

And Adahlia sure as heck isn’t either.

Today, for the very first time ever, I was told that my urine sample contained bacteria. (Yes, this is a website for Adahlia, but I feel strongly our conditions are linked… Especially as they have developed together. I’ve never believed that her case was a straight, simple, genetic bone-marrow failure.)

What does this mean? We don’t know yet. I think this is the first time my urine has come back positive, not “perfect” (and a big reason I haven’t gotten better, appropriate care) because a) I’ve been breastfeeding, and therefore drinking insane amounts of water and b) this is the first time they’ve asked for first-thing-in-the-morning pee, which is the most concentrated, and most likely to show bacteria. It’s something to think about, for the doctors who read this blog, next time you have a mystery patient with hydronephrosis.

In the past 48 hours, I’ve done qigong twice, given myself 2 moxa treatments, and Joe’s given me the most amazing reiki treatments.

I feel i am mending, healing. During treatments I feel warmth, openness, and pulsation, and a lack of pain, a freeness, in the areas of my back and abdomen that otherwise feel cramped, dark, heavy and painful. It is the sort of things a skeptical person would say are impossible to feel, just as a human might tell a bee it is impossible to see the ultraviolet light patterns of a flower, simply because he cannot see them himself, when really, its matter of sensitivity.

Am i out of the woods? Heck no. There is still a dead-feeling, thick, achy, heavy thing in my mid-right-back. But I believe it can be revived, for my Right Kidney pulse is still there, albeit struggling, and I can feel my right kidney channel now, all the way down to the ball of my foot, where it gets warm during treatments, and there is an electric, static-buzzing-surging sensation, and the image is like that of a bubbling warm spring, turning back on.

Is Adahlia in the clear? No. But we are going to keep up this intense pace of treatments until I am definitely better this time. And I will keep at her treatments, too, which I will tell you about in a bit.

I’d like to thank all the kind people who have and are donating their healing skills, time as babysitters, and groceries. Everyone who is sending prayers and energy. I thank you so much for sending your love.

Now let me tell you a bit about our story.

My pregnancy was beautiful. Exhausting? Yes. But beautiful, and I (we) were blessed in many ways during it. The birth, likewise. We chose to do it naturally, at Andaluz Waterbirth Center, and it was the most romantic, deeply sensual experience I have ever had in my life. Painful? Yes. But glorious. Ridiculous glorious.

There was one – ok, two – major hiccups in the pregnancy. First, I got in a car accident just shy of two months in. It wasn’t super serious, but it messed up my neck and back, especially because my hormones were already loosening my ligaments, and compounding the effects of the initial trauma, as well as making it more difficult for vertebra to stay in place whole set. The blessing in disguise, if course, was that I was able to receive really quality care during that period of time. Do I think it played a major role in her (our) current condition? No.

But the second thing, I think, did. During the 7th month, I had an episode of INTENSE back pain, mostly on my right side, but it traveled down my flank. It was so bad, I nearly vomited. I rested for 2 days with a heating pad — the only thing that could take the pain down even a notch was high heat and lying still, on my right side or back. It scared me, and I told my care providrs about it, but imaging isnt really an option during pregnancy, and i was adamant that no one would take away right to natural birth. Besides, it kind if sounds like passing s kidney stone right? So we decided to wait and see.

During this time, my kidney pulse, which sudden strength is an indicator of pregnancy, and was stronger on the right than the left, because I was carrying a girl, suddenly dropped out. I was very concerned, but I was under the care of an expert acupuncturist at the time, who told me not to worry, and she doubled her efforts in treating me.

A couple weeks later the pain happened again… it started gearing up and i took preventative measures of heat and rest, and it never reached its zenith. I never took any drugs for it. During the birth, my back pain was excruciating. And then, I had difficulty breastfeeding side lying on the left – the only way to lessen my pain was to lie on my back or on my right. I gritted my teeth and did what my baby needed.

At the time, I assumed my pain was musculoskeletal and it lessened over the weeks.

But Adahlia, hers didn’t.

When she was born, she shot out into the water, I scooped her up, joes hands behind mine, and we held her to my chest. Adahlia did not cry- she looked up at me with her big black eyes, exhausted but serene, like a supernatural being, and I whispered her name to her, which she accepted with apparent solemnity.

She cried a couple hours later that night, for about an hour, when I fumbled her a bit, trying to get her in a good position for feeding. But in general, she barely cried those first days, and when she did, I knew it was for food or comfort and I was not alarmed. She actually smiled in her sleep, and once, while I fed her, she smirked at me, as though laughing at me. Our connection, bond, which had grown during pregnancy, was great.

Until about 3 days post-birth. Then, she lost her shit. There is simply no other way to put it.

She began screaming incessantly. When she wasn’t asleep or feeding, she was screaming at full bore, as though terrified or in excruciating pain. She was truly inconsolable; she HOWLED.

I know what you’re thinking: allergies, right?

No. I did not do a full elimination diet, as I was weak and fatigued, and strangely cold, despite friends telling me that the heat of pregnancy stayed with them through breastfeeding. i had little appetite, but for ed myself to eat, knowing we needed the energy. We cut out dairy entirely and limited other common sensitivities to no avail.

Nothing we did helped – and we tried everything. We gave her massages and baths and massages in baths. Refusing to accept the verdict of colic, and a baby in excruciating pain for the first 3 months of life, we took her to renown homeopaths and a retired, expert baby body-psycho-therapists, who agreed to come pit of retirement to see us. It helped, but it didn’t fix her issues. The midwives were at a loss. She still screamed, and it was terrible. It was sometimes as if she were seeing ghosts. I felt strongly that she was in great pain, under attack from something. She was trying to get me to help her. We did energy work, reiki, with her when she slept and when we held her and whenever possible. Sometimes it seemed to help. Sometimes, it seemed like it made her only scream more.

The only thing that nearly always helped was for me to really connect with her in her misery, to let myself come down and feel her pain as if it were my own, to the point where tears streamed down my face. Then, sometimes, she would stop crying and pass out. But to do that multiple times a day was exhausting… and sorrowful. The only other thing that would help was when I would chant and sing to her, in low, rising, and falling sacred tones and syllables, as we slowly rocked and walked. Then, sometimes, she’d rest. I would chant and sing to her for hours.

The only other time she often did not cry was in the presence of strangers, when the grandparents or friends came to the house. She simply huddled close. In general, she seemed terrified, and angry, and in pain.

She had bruises on the inside of her legs after about a week, where her diaper pressed against her legs. She was no longer relaxed; a very tense baby. She was pale and looked yellow to me at times. People remarked on her paleness but no professionals felt concerned. I knew something was wrong. It wasn’t just colic. I searched the internet and asked the midwives again and again if it was possible she had an infection. She had no fever; they shook their heads. Our lives had become living hell. Older women smiled condescendingly, and peers commiserated, saying, “new baby, new parents!” But no one took us seriously. At her four week checkup, her weight was still up and seemed healthy, medically.

Then one Monday, I went in for another follow up chiropractic appointment at Growing Care, one day shy of Adahlia’s seven week anniversary. Over the past 36 hours, she had slept more, and eaten less. She was never chunky, but we had noticed she was becoming a thin baby now. And truly pale. But after so many folks had dismissed it, we had begun to accept it. Our final well-baby appointment with the midwives was scheduled for later that week.

… And now, I must go in to my doctors appointment. More later…



Do not listen to people when they talk of good and evil.

Or rather, listen so that you may understand them, but do not believe them.

All is the hand of God.

How then, can there be evil?

There is only perceived isolation from One – be It called God, Love, Him, Allah, Jehovah, Goddess, Existence, Yahweh, Creative Force, I AM, Nature, Collective Unconscious, Spirit, or Universe – and what many call evil is only an illusion, from having forgotten how to listen to the whisper of the wind, the songs sung through the trees, echoed by birds and the soft tread of animals through leaves.

There is only learning, here. Everything is for your learning. Even the cruelty, the hate, the anger, the wars. Do not worry. Do not get caught up in wounds. Watch it all. Be very observant. It is for your learning.

Do not cling to anything, that is what is meant in Bhuddism, by non-attachment. When one love leaves, rejoice! It is because you are ready now, to have your heart opened to something or someone larger, a love on a higher plane. This is the way it is until death, when we are ready, finally, to know God in entirety.


Dear God,

I don’t mean to be ungrateful, if that’s how it sounded, in my precious post.

I am so happy.

I am so blessed.

I love her more than it is possible.

She is so wonderful.

I am awestruck to have been chosen to be her mother. She is so beautiful, in every way. I am blessed. I am so happy.

Forgive me wanting it to last a little longer.

To have known her all those months I carried her, to have seen her in ultrasound, to have birthed her, to have nursed her these last beautiful, difficult months, well, it’s been miraculous.

Who am I to keep asking for miracles?

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

To live to be a hundred would be nothing, for to have known her is worth a thousand lifetimes, to have known this love is to know you.

Thank you for this life, for all I have seen and learned in it. For all that i have learned, for all I have been given grace to see dissolve, for the beautiful sight of your hand. If we are here for anything, it is to come to this. All praise and glory to you, alleluia, all is god.